Easter Week in Sevillewww.artesacro.org


-oOo- Essential Vocabulary -oOo-


Moving around Seville
The Five Senses
The Handicraft
Seeing a Fraternity
The Early Hours
Essential Vocabulary
The Music
The Fraternities
Passion Eve
Palm Sunday
Easter Monday
Easter Tuesday
Easter Wednesday
Easter Thursday
La Madrugá
Good Friday Evening
Easter Saturday & Sunday´Resurrection

Acólitos: Altar boys who carry the processional candle sticks and consers at the head of the floats.

A Esta Es: To this, it´s (to raise the float)

Ahí Queó: There it was (stop the float)

Alpargatas: Rope-soled sandal.

AntifazAntifaz: Piece of cloth which covers the head and face of the nazarenos and penitents, so the members of the Fraternity remains anonymous

Andalucía: Region in the Souht of Spain (Europe), whose capital is Seville.

Armao: A member of the Macarena Fraternity who parades as a Roman Legionary behind the float with Christ.

Azahar: Orange Blossom.

Bambalinas: canopy´s borders in the Virgin´s floats

Besapies/besamanos: To kiss the feet or the hands of the images like act of faith.

Bofetá: Slap (To hit a Slap)

Borriquita: Fraternity whose members are childrens.

CapatazBulla: Crowds of people around the floats in certain areas along the routes of the fraternities.

Calvario: Calvary Mount

Candelería: Candleholder in the Virgin's Floats

Caridad: Charity.

Chicotá: The stetch of the route covered by a float.

Capataz: The man at the head of the float who directs the work of the men who carry the floats.

Capirote: A cone shape that the nazarenos wear on their heads.

CostaleroCarrera Oficial: Official Route. The only route where all the processions coincide.

Centuria: A formation of Roman Soldiers from the Macarena Fraternity.

Cirial: Candlesticks carried by the altar boys in the Fraternities

Cirios: Candles carries by the nazarenos.

Costal: A piece of cloth which the costaleros place in their heads.

Costalero: The men who carry the floats.

Cruz de Guía: A cross banner which opens the procession

Chicotá: The stetch of the route covered by the float from the order to raise the float until it stop again.

Jesus of the Big PowerEsparto: A kind of wide sash made of rope which the nazarenos from many fraternities wear over their tunics.

Faldones: Piece of velvet which covers the men who carry the floats (costaleros).

Gitanos: Gipsies

Gran Poder: Jesus of the Big Power

Hermano Mayor: The person in charge of a Fraternity, usually carry a glod staff.

Incensario: A crucible with chains and a lid where the incense ir burned.

Levantá: The moment when the float is raised.

Hope´s Virgin (Macarena)Llamador: A metal piece at the front of the float which the capataz knocks on to give the signal to raise or lower the float.

Macarena: (Macarena Hope´ Virgin). The name of the most famous Virgin in the world. The name of a Seville´s district too.

Madrugá: The night of Holy Thursday and early morning Goog Friday

Mantilla: Piece of lace worn with an ornamental comb. It´s traditionally worn by the women on the evening of Holy Thrusday and Good Friday.

Manto: A hug piece of rich materials which are delicately embroidered and flows from the Virgin over a hard support covering the back of the float.

Marcha: The musical compositions accompanying the majority of the floats are called fraternity marches. Mecer: Particular way to move the Virgin´s floats to the rhythm of the music.

Monumento: A stage-like set in many churches on Holy Thrsday to conmemorate de Eucharist´s Institution.

Muñidor: Altar boy that announce the arrive to the Shroud Sacred (Sagrada Mortaja) Fraternity, blow two little bells.

Nazareno: Members of the fraternities which make up procession. They carry candles and banners.

Palcos: Stands which are erected in San Francisco square outside the Town Hall that are not rented on a daily basis.

PenitentesPalio: A canopy supported by the varales carrying the Virgin´s floats. The entire float can be called palio.

Paso: The float or portable platform and all the images and elements it contains.

Penitente: Members of the fraternities in the procession who carry wooden crosses. They do not wear a capirote.

Potencias: Symbols on Christ´s head that represent Memory, Understanding and Will in supreme degree.

Recogida: Return journey of the Fraternities from the Cathedral to their temples.

Respiraderos: lateral parts to the floats

Saeta: A short flamenco folk song which is always sung from a balcony

Sagrada Mortaja: Shroud Sacred. Name of a Good Friday Fraternity.

Salida: Exit

Santo Entierro: Funeral Saint. The Big Funeral

VaralesSoledad: Lonelyness' Virgin

Trabajadera: Wooden crossbeams that the costaleros lean on to carry the float.

Triana: The name of a famous Seville's district

Triduos/Quinarios: Religious acts carry out in the Fraternities in commemoration of Christ and the Virgin

Varal: Each one of the twelve vertical poles of the Virgin's floats.

Varales: Twelve vertical poles of the Virgin's float. 


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Made in Seville - Spain